
Ever since I got this lovely gift from my husband (lovely gift aka a Kindle) I have been addicted to reading again!  I have always LOVED reading.  When I was younger we would go on vacation and I would just sit and read.  Have an image in your head?  Dorky little girl with her face planted in a book?  Yep, that’s about right.  I even had glasses until high school when I was finally allowed to get contacts.

So the first book I decide to read?  (actually series)  The Hunger Games Series.  And boy was it GOOD!!  I couldn’t put it down.  I read the first book in a day and a half.  I finished the series of three books in a week and a half!  Not to mention the fact that I love reading on that thing.  I wasn’t sure if I would be able to give up the paper books but now I know I most definitely can. 

Now this isn’t exactly helping me to get anything done or feel like my brain or life is half organized, but hey, what can you do.  Enjoy it.  Then make another post about how my brain is missing… gotta give myself something to write about 😉

So it shapes us

Right?  That is what they say.  I can’t really say that I like the us that is me right now.  Queen of Paranoia, still.  At some point this pregnancy you would think I would get over it!

I had been sore, pretty much the whole lower abdomen, for about 3 days straight.  I never actually really thought anything was wrong, but there it is… that paranoia.  That doubt.  That wondering.  That need to eat and then count the kicks and lay down on my left side and make SURE that I’m feeling this baby.  And I have been and I do but STILL with the paranoia.

Now my super smart hubby tells me I’m stretching and things are growing and it’s normal.  I never doubted him, not really, I always just wonder.  Things are mostly back to normal now, which mostly helps to be less paranoid!  Maybe by the end of this pregnancy I won’t be?!  Or maybe not.

So there is a reason for things that have happened in the past and I do believe that is true.  I don’t even claim to know why and I’m sure there is some good shaping that happened here so we’ll just go with it.  What choice do we have? 

Now the shaping I can handle without question is the shaping of my belly 😉

Like butter on popcorn

That was my heart.  Really.  We went to see Toy Story on Ice and she just LOVED it.  I wasn’t sure how much she would like it, but she did!  Seeing her clap when everyone else did, and looking around at the other people like ‘Am I supposed to be clapping now???  Okay!’  It was adorable, truly adorable.  She stared intently about 3/4 of the time.  I’d say that is pretty good for a 2 year old!  Her cousin honestly did sit there and stare intently the WHOLE time.  They were in awe that they actually got to see Woody and Buzz and all those other fun people right in front of their very own eyes!

It was really honestly truly cute.  I love that little girl!

Exercise schmexercise

I am actually pretty torn on this one.  I really really really do want to start exercising, as I have done not one minute of it this pregnancy!  Okay wait, I lied – I did about 20 minutes so far.  But on the flip side I am just so dang tired I really really really don’t want to start! 

It worked out so well last time… I felt good the whole time, never felt like a whale, never felt like I couldn’t move, actually still felt good 8 days overdue.  So?  In my perfect world I think I’ll still feel good towards the end if I do it!  Then there is that dang flip side again, by the time I get home and we do dinner and play and bedtime, exercise is the furthest thing from my mind.  (Well, maybe something else is the furthest but don’t tell that guy I live with)  😉 So I could get up early right?  Do it before I go to work and then I won’t have to fit it in at night?  Only problem is I can’t get my lazy arse out of bed to even get to work on time, let alone exercise.  It all sounds like quite the dilemma, doesn’t it?  They do say you have more energy when you exercise, maybe I should listen to they.

Convince me here, tell me to start exercising.  Tell me to stop stuffing my face with french fries and ice cream.  Tell me to get off my butt cause I’ll feel so much better if I do.

Or tell me exercise schmexerise is right!  Tell me I still haven’t gained much weight (lucky me and thanks I guess flu).  Tell me the midwife says I’ll be fine so I shouldn’t be worried.  Tell me to enjoy being a lazy bum and I’ll still easily lose all my weight like I did last time.  Hey, I’m vain, what can I say.  I hope breastfeeding works as well for me this time as last time, one of the easiest diets I’ve done.  Lucky lucky me! 

Hmm, now that I think about it again option 2 sounds so much more appealing!  But I should still exercise cause it’s good for my health, right?!

How I roll pregnant

I drink caffeine.  (granted maybe only once or twice a week and I tried not to drink any during the first trimester)

I eat lunch meat.

I eat tuna.

I eat hot dogs.

I take sips of alcoholic beverages, maybe even a few at once. (gasp!)

I sleep on my belly at 21 1/2 weeks. (thank goodness it’s still comfortable, even though I’m sure I’m smooshing my baby)

I sleep on my back.

I use Proactiv.

I dye/color/highlight my hair.

I stand directly in front of the microwave.

I actually help paint.  (okay, sometimes my laziness stops me, but not being in the same room as paint and paint fumes!)

I eat soft cheeses.

I eat ‘Mexican’ cheese.

That pretty much sums it up.  I’m sure there are more dumb rules I’m supposed to follow I just don’t even know about them 😉

Something is in there

I’m so glad at almost 21 weeks I am still saying that!  Right around 19 weeks this little guy or girl really started letting me know… by really I mean I could feel an actual push as opposed to just, was that baby movement or maybe just gas???  So for the last two weeks I have been feeling this little one move, kick and push its sweet mama.  I actually kind of love it and whenever I’ve been thinking, I haven’t felt it for a while, I do!  Then I smile and get all happy and stuff, like a total dork-en-stein!

We had our ultrasound on Monday and all is looking good.  The baby is healthy and everything looked good to the midwife.  Still a surprise!!  It was a little hard to not find out, but we stayed strong.  I was forced – the hubby blindfolded me, put ear plugs in and all but taped my mouth shut so I couldn’t ask!  Okay, not really, but I did prompt and ask him a couple times are you sure you don’t want to know, are you suuuurre?  He said he was sure.  HA.  Loser 😉

Then to make it even harder the midwife said she accidentally looked!!  Ohhh, what?!  She said she normally doesn’t look so she doesn’t slip, but she did.  And then she knew and I just wanted to know even more!  But we made it out of there without a slip up and without me begging her to tell!  I really in all honesty don’t want to know, but man I do want to at the same time.  We will find out soon enough!  It’s still fun to hear everyone’s guesses anyways, can’t ruin that!

All I ever want to eat these days is spicy.  Spicy Chipotle in particular!  That’s always my first thought, then it leads to possibly Taco Bell, maybe a hole in the wall Mexican restaurant for some white queso, or just chips and salsa with cheese at home.  I have an equal opportunity desire.  Now if I weren’t such a lazy bum I would get my butt up, drive to Chipotle and chow down!

The tortille, rice, chicken or beef, hot salsa, gobs and gobs of cheese and sour cream, and lettuce.  Mmmmm.  I swear, this has NOTHING to do with my cholesterol numbers, nothing at all.  Or a bowl, or add in some mild or corn salsa, maybe add some guac, or guac and chips or even a cheese quesadilla (the best cheese ever by the way).  I think we can all safely assume I am hungry and really want to go get Chipotle!  Or wherever I can go to get the food that was described in this post here by Elle.

But that requires getting up, going out in the cold, and actually getting out of the car.  I suppose it’s a good thing for my health that I don’t go, but it sounds quite delicious.  Maybe we’ll have to get that for dinner now!  Though I do think the husband is a little sick of it.  Ah well.

Important facts to note (very important)
*I did not eat Chipotle for lunch, laziness factor won and I had leftovers.
*I already texted the husband asking if he wanted Chipotle for dinner.
*I have not let myself actually read Elle’s post again or I would probably eat a second lunch.  Apparently it stuck with me and sounded THAT good!
*You should definitely check out her blog.  It is great stuff!!!
*The husband texted back and said sure 😉

Santa = lying?

I am hearing that more and more these days and I don’t quite understand it.  I mean, I get it – you aren’t telling your child the truth because technically you are telling them a lie – but I guess I don’t get it at the same time.  When I found out that they were Santa, more like figured it out because my parents weren’t so sneaky with their Santa gifts and hiding, I don’t remember thinking oh-my-gosh-Mom-and-Dad-I-can’t-believe-you’ve-been-lying-to-me-all-these-years-and-now-I’m scarred-for life-I-can’t-handle-the-pain!  I’m pretty sure it was more like sweet, now I know and the little girls don’t!

It was fun to think of Santa coming that night, waking up early to see he’d been there, looking for ski sleigh tracks in the snow, half eaten cookies and a note in scribbly writing.  We had that one figured out though, pretty sure they either just shook like crazy or they had our dear old piano teacher write it for them!  It’s a fantasy that is part of being a kid and something to get excited about every year.

I also heard someone saying that they don’t want their kids looking at Santa and Christmas as just a time for gifts.  They should want to give to others and learn there is more to it than Santa.  And I get that too, but isn’t it okay to want sometimes?  I know we probably do it too much, and in my house I’m sure that’s true, but I’m okay if my children want things.  In my mind, it’s another part of being a kid!  Now wanting and expecting are a totally different topic that we won’t get into!  😉

You want me to do wha???

Pack up our daughters summer clothes?  Hey, it’s almost December and we might need them!  I mean, we did pretty much have a seventy degree day here in November.  You never know what that December weather can be like!

Put away the clean laundry that has been in baskets for weeks?  Do the dirty laundry that’s been building up in the closet for weeks?  But I have shows to catch up on so I don’t lose them when the DVR gets full!

Actually cook us dinner?  Go grocery shopping?  Do any sort of wifely and motherly duty that has to do with food, that doesn’t equal calling and ordering take out?  I need to keep Chipotle and Panera in business!  There would be a lot of sad, sad people if Chipotle did not exist and Panera’s white cheddar mac and cheese did not exist.

You want to do wha???  How many times a week? Oh but honey, I’m tired.  I have a headache (that’s the right one to use, right?!) I’m incubating your child and I couldn’t possibly have the energy for that.  Okay okay, this one happens more than I may let on.  And yes – it is still enjoyable, in case you are reading dear husband!

Off to incubate and avoid doing any of those things 😉

MIA and 17 weeks

MIA… that would be me.  I know sooo many people are wondering!  In two days I’ll be 17 weeks along and we have nothing but good news so far!  We had the 16 week appointment on Monday and heard the sweet little heartbeat again.  I think I can finally start to feel almost like this is a normal pregnancy!! 

In one month we have an ultrasound and we are not finding out.  Final decision!  It’s always fun to hear everyone’s guesses.  It’s also fun to make people wait!  I’ve been begged by a few and heard some pleading, but no such luck in converting us yet.  Now if that person were able to get an ultrasound machine and an ultrasound today (and whenever I wanted!) I’m SURE I would break by ultrasound number two.  But as I like to say, too bad so sad!  Thinking, ha ha not going to happen dream on sucka!  Said and thought with love of course, always.  Off to pass out, hopefully my butt makes it off the couch to bed.  Or it’s camping out here until the hubby goes to bed 😉