
The Queen of the Yo-Yo’s is what I call myself. I go back and forth being ready, not ready, ready, not ready. Right now? I’m in a state of all those worries you have the first time with labor and water breaking and all that good junk. And really, labor was not that bad!!! Every friend who has ever been scared since I have said it is not that bad, trust me. Recovery was more of a pain, in many-a-ways. Maybe I’m more scared of coming home with a second. All the time I’ll be spending breastfeeding and pumping and not sleeping and trying to keep an almost 3 year old at bay. It is kind of intimidating!

But then I think of my broken crotch (okay, separated pubic bone that hurts like a mother every time I turn side to side and most times I get up, but broken crotch sounds more dramatic!), how I’m so tired and my body is ready to be back to itself… and I think okay this baby can come anytime now. I know I’ll be tired when he or she gets here but I feel like it may be a little different. That very well may be my wishful thinking once again!

I know I shouldn’t be complaining and I try not to. Just the facts ma’am, just the facts. Speaking of facts, the fact that I started this approximately 4 days ago has helped me to be more on the ready side. Nothing has really changed, just not such a wimp I suppose!

This really could mean a couple things. Further along in this pregnancy than the last – woo hoo! But really I’m thinking further along at 36 weeks than we were with my first!

You go in there, wondering if they will do the dreaded yet desired internal. I mean, who doesn’t want to know what is going on down there, if anything? But then, who really wants to get poked and prodded down there? I suppose when your midwife is telling you about how the butt of the baby might be in the wrong position and whoops…(Oh yeah, you guessed it!) you can’t even care because you are so amused by that story!

1 centimeter. This is farther (further?) than we were last time at 36 weeks! Now I’m not naive enough to think I may not stay here for the next 4 weeks but a girl can wish, can’t she? I’m not even sure that sentence made sense but I can’t even pretend like I’m going to try and fix it right now. By next week I’ll be asking about all those tricks we know to get things moving! Maybe. Okay probably 😉

What it is my friends

That sounds like such a commanding statement, right? What it is my friends, as if I actually knew what was going to be written. But I don’t. It should be more like, what is it my friends? I have compiled the list in my head many a times as to whether we’re having a little girl or a little boy. Right now I’m going with boy, but then sometimes I still think girl! And yes, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s* healthy, but you can’t help but wonder.

Reasons it’s a girl
-I want sweets all the time. I have at least one thing sweet every day – candy, pop, cookies, ice cream. Something every day!
-I am carrying very similar to how I did with my daughter. It feels different in some ways, and some people even say it looks different, but when I look at the belly I think it’s very similar.
-My husband is eating right there with me. (I read that if the husband gains weight then it’s a girl, it not then it’s a boy. Can’t say that he has actually gained weight but he’s going for the sweets too!)
-Heartbeat has been on the higher side, above 150s usually.

Reasons it’s a boy
-I want beef a lot more than before… one I’ve heard that means boy.
-A lot of things just feel different this time, now maybe it is because I’m not exercising (and I’m sure a lot of stuff actually can be attributed to that), but my body just feels different.
-There was a point in this pregnancy where I actualy wanted to have sex. Yep, hard to believe I know. I also heard this one through the grapevine that maybe it’s a boy. This was definitely not the case the first time so maybe??
-I’m really liking our girl names, so Murphy’s law would say it’s a boy.

Hmmm. It sure felt like the lists in my head were a little bit longer on both sides. Reading this would lead me to believe it’s equally a boy and a girl, especially with how scientific the facts are. 😉 5(ish) weeks and counting!!!

*Yes, I do call my unborn child an it. I also refer to is as the child.

Finally a craving

Because we all know how much I like to talk about food, so what better topic? Everybody always asks, so are you having any cravings?? Normally the answer is, not really. I want sweet stuff every day but nothing that is wake your husband up in the middle of the night and make him go get me salami chocolate and apple juice that instant. I wish even I could say that this time cause it’s just more exciting! But no. Just a simple little craving for brownies. On my list of things I want these days it is brownies every day! I was driving the other day and all of a sudden got a taste of and for brownies, the point where I can officially say I had a craving.

I’ve been told I can’t crave Chipotle because I eat it so often… a night a week and a time or two or three for lunch. I want burgers every once in a while, potatoes, Coke is another one, ice cream always. Hmph. Craving. No craving? Who knows! Not really that important anyways, but a good part of this pregnancy to document. Right?? He he he.


I have talked before about how my daughter knew that I was pregnant, even before we said it out loud. ESP if you will. Recently I have been reminded and heard some stories that got me thinking the same thing for those little babies in utero.

When I was due with my first she didn’t join the outside world until 8 days after she was supposed to. Side note: the perfect reason for me to claim why I am always always always late. I was born late, she was born late. It’s in our blood. So the evening that labor started was the evening before we were scheduled to go in for the NST and ultrasound and to discuss induction. She came just in time!

I was talking to one of my friends the other day about her first and her labor. She was scheduled to go for a c-section and that very morning her water broke. Now she had a c-section anyways, but still, the kid came just before the mandatory evacuation! The most recent one was a girlfriend who also had the possibility of an induction, it was already scheduled in fact. Her baby girl was a week overdue and she was all scheduled to go in for the induction. The night before that little baby decided to make her appearance also.

It’s kind of amazing to me how they know. I’m pretty sure they do know. Many may claim that it’s just coincidence or that I’m a little crazy (which hey, it’s true) but I claim there is something to it. Just like when the little miss knew there was a baby in my belly, or how they say that little kids know the gender of the baby in your belly. I’m telling you, there IS something to it!

By the way, news according to the soon to be big sister is that it’s a baby girl.  Or a crocodile depending on which day you ask, but don’t worry, a nice one. Now how stinkin cute is that?!

It’s been fully decided

That we’ll be finding out the sex of this baby on Monday.

Ha ha, yeah right!  A big fat 1980’s NOT on that one, still working on it though. I have fully decided that exercising while pregnant is definitely better than not. I mean, we all knew that, but it hasn’t really hit me until now. Now that I’m starting to feel big and it is a little tougher to get up from the couch… where I spend a lot of my time mind you.

Last time I felt so good throughout the whole pregnancy. I exercised 3 days a week until the end. I tried to eat healthy during the day, and not hit the junk until the evening. I went 8 days overdue and never once thought, I’m so uncomfortable I want this baby here now!!!

I honestly truly have intentions of exercising these next two months. That should really keep this belly and these thighs and this booty in gear. Or maybe get them in gear? I have my hopes anyways! All I want is to make myself do is some walking, it shouldn’t be that hard to start up. I need to hear, get your butt off the couch and get walking girl! Walk off all those carbs you eat and all that sugar you eat and all the fried junk you eat.

Hmm, it would seem all I ever do is think about how bad I eat but then I never do anything about it! Never a better time than now, right? Two months and counting.  😉

Better keep those babies away from these butter fingers or they will probably end up broken. Or maybe instead of a full out drop I’ll hit it just right on the side of the counter to give it a nice chunk of missing glass, complete with sharp edges to make it totally unusable.

Let’s see, so far there is the casserole dish lid that I totally dropped and broke EVERYWHERE. A nice missing chunk of glass out of a Pyrex bowl I hit on the side of the sink while washing it. We also have a plastic insulated cup that I dropped while putting it in my car that has some nice broken plastic inside the layers now. And I almost forgot the two or three times I dropped my coffee cup, once totally full! Lucky for me those aren’t breakable, just a pretty little mess to clean up.

Hmm, it would appear I have quite the inventory of broken objects going here. I haven’t always been the least clumsy person, but now that has been multiplied by ten! There must be ten babies eating away my brain and taking my ability to not drop something??? Nice try, right? It doesn’t take much for this one who usually has bruises all over her legs from running into something, but is also asking herself at the end of the day, I wonder where I got these from.

Brain, I think I need you back. Much love, Me

Surprises and spoilers

I am horrible at them. Just HORRIBLE. I watch reality shows and can’t help but look up what happens and read any spoiler that is out there. I have this little itty bitty problem where I just need to know! I want to know how it ends and I want to know now. None of this waiting until the show or season is over business.

Surprises? I am just as bad at those! So bad that when I buy a gift for the husband I want to tell him right away. Can’t keep my mouth shut, need to tell him what I got him then and there cause I’m just that excited. I really try to keep it in, and most of the time I do because he doesn’t want to know. Good thing for him or I’d probably tell him right then and there every time!

This all brings me to the sex of this baby. We have finally started thinking and talking about names but man is it making it hard to not know. We have another appointment today and I WANT TO KNOW. It’s really really super duper hard to not know right now, so we shall see. ::knocking my head on the desk:: I don’t want to know. I don’t want to know. I don’t want to know.

The hubby is staying strong, but maybe I’ll have him convinced. I can think of a few ways I could probably bribe him to let me find out! 😉 At this point that would be half the time we were able to know, not knowing, and then knowing for the rest. That sounds fair, right?!

What do you think, are you one of them? Or would you rather the pregnant person next to you keep her mouth shut cause you aren’t best friends? I have to say I’m one of them. Now I would of course only talk to someone as long as I didn’t get one second of that don’t you dare talk to me vibe.

I can’t help but wonder, are people thinking who is this annoying chick and what is she talking about?! Now I’m making it sound like I stand there and talk to someone for twenty minutes and ask them questions like their due date and birth plan and breastfeeding goals and pretend like we’ll stay in touch forever because our unborn might be close in age. Don’t worry, that is most certainly not the case! I actually find more people ask me questions and open up that conversation than I ask them. I tend to think not everyone is quite as open and talkative about it though. But hey, if I’m at a party and you want to talk about pregnancies and kids and we don’t have to find other crap to small talk about please keep it coming!!

My love for all things sweet

It looks like it just may be catching up with me. I’m pretty much a junk food junkie and have the largest sweet tooth in the world. What did that get me recently? The joy of the 3 hour glucose test. At least it gave me a morning off work and an excuse to read for three hours, but nonetheless, they pricked me and poked me four times that morning.

In my head I’ve prepared that I’m going to fail and I won’t be eating any more sweets for the next few months. No pop, Pop Tarts, ice cream, cake, cookies, candy… hmm, maybe I have a problem?! Those items paired up without exercise, which may have saved me last time, aren’t so good for the blood sugar numbers. Too bad I never started that little exercise thing!! 😉

Fingers crossed I hear good news today, if they call me back*. If not I’m just stuffing in all the sweets I can get until I’m told otherwise!! I think that is definitely good for the blood sugar levels, gestational diabetes or not!

*They did not call me back yet so I’m going with ignorance is bliss. Read: I had sugary Starbucks coffee drink in the morning, pasta for lunch, pasta for dinner with Hawaiian Punch to drink, and part of a huge cookie with frosting after dinner. (That I bought last week after I found out I failed the 1 hour) I have a problem!!!!

**I still fully expect to find out I failed and I’m pretty sure anyone reading this would say, well yeah, look what you eat woman!